15 Minimalist Shopping Tips To Help You Master Your Temptations Today


Minimalist shopping is where you seek to purchase the bare minimum amount of items necessary to meet your needs – either by only acquiring essential items or by seeking out the most versatile and long-lasting versions of everyday items.

Don’t mistake minimalist shopping for deprivation (although minimalism can certainly be a position of relative privilege). It’s simply a way to be more mindful of your consumption and save money in the long run.

Alternatively, conventional shopping habits illicit impulse buying and getting caught up in the thrill of a good deal. Or you’re buying things chasing a fantasy vision of yourself only to feel like you’re falling short.

There’s nothing wrong with buying reactively. Occasionally. But if you do it all the time, it can lead to a cluttered home and an empty wallet.

According to BMO Harris Bank, 42% of consumers say they’re worsening their financial situation through impulse purchases and increasing their debt.

If this sounds familiar, you could benefit from shopping like a minimalist.

This post covers 15 minimalist shopping tips that will help you curb your temptations and shift the way you think about buying stuff.

And even if you’re already pretty intentional, this post will remind you how far you’ve come. Let’s begin with the first and most crucial action – slow purchasing.


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