7 Ways To Develop a Minimalist Mindset Today


You’ve been programmed to believe that more is better. You’re told that you must buy the newest iPhone, have the most Instagram followers, and live in the biggest house in the nicest neighbourhood.

And for what? Keeping up with the Joneses? To impress your friends, family, and everyone who has ever doubted you?

Striving for more to dazzle others may give your ego a temporary boost but won’t ultimately make you feel content. It usually has the opposite effect. When you’re constantly chasing the next milestone, you fail to appreciate what you have.

You miss out on beauty, no, the miracle of everyday moments, and you end up feeling anxious and stressed.

Not only that, but wanting and having more adds complexity to your life. You have more responsibilities and decisions, which takes an emotional toll.

So how can you break free from this cycle? How can you develop a minimalist mindset? Below are 7 principles to help you shift the way you think about desiring more.


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